Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library is implementing a new international Erasmus+ project „Photography Kaleidoscope: Inclusion, Communities, and Knowledge“ (PhotoKICK) together with the Lithuanian National Museum, Kuldiga Art and Technology Center (Latvia), the cultural association „Espacio Rojo“ (Spain), Science and research association for art, culture, educational programs and technologies „EPEKA“ (Slovenia) and the Hungarian National Museum (Hungary).

On the 16th of November, 2022 the online meeting with the „PhotoKICK“ partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Spain that was held by the project coordinator and library project manager Viktorija Žilinskaitė.

At the, beginning of the event, the new project team members were introduced by project coordinators. The project progress timeline was discussed, as well as upcoming project plans, activities and goals. At the end of the event, other project-related questions were considered and discussed by all of the participants. At the moment we are working on the 1st project goal – developing guidelines for creating educational photography exibitions.

The next nearest meeting with Latvian partners will be held on the 21st-22nd of November, 2022 in Kuldiga, Latvia. There the „PhotoKick“ progress and the future project cooperation ideas are to be discussed. The project team will visit Kuldiga Digital Innovation Hub (KDIH), the Needle Factory, Kuldyga Main Library, Kuldiga Art Gallery, Kuldiga UNESCO Oldtown.

In April, 2023, the 2nd Transnational meeting in Hungary is going to be organized. Project partners will present the 1st project goal „Guidelines for creating educational photography exibitions“, discuss what project activities have been done in each organization until the 2nd meeting, develop the contents of joint photography art exhibition, review achieved results and discuss plans for future project activites.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This information was prepared by Larysa Sydorenko (Klaipėda County Ieva Simonaitytė Public Library)

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